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lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

Con Team: Homosexual Family

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeGFlJ2OONA


The Reasons Is Because In The Biblie Say “And Gad Made Man And Woman” But Is Does Not Say “ Made Two Man” Vois Will Multiply Sat That These Will Multiply. Genesis 1:27-28

Con Team: Homosexual Family

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=halc/2M2sc


Reasons In Country Marriage Homosex Againste Equality

-Destroys Marriage
-Create More Persons Homosex
-It Leads To Polygamy
-Divorce Will Be Easier
-God Hates Fags

Con Team: Homosexual Family

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmg4cv12wko


Very Good Arguments Of Which Wit Out Inserting The Religion Are Adoptions Of Which We See In The Society And Of What We Are About To See.

Of The Arguments There Were Sume Who Where Incoherente But  The Majority Sapake With Much Truth.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017


*Child Were Gay?

*Would Like To Adodate?
A Gay Family Would Feel Poud Because It Would Continue With The Legaly Of Haivesting What They Sawed.

So It Is In Such A Way I Would Adopt It.

*Why Are You In Pro?
Because I Respect The Rights And One Of Them Is Equeality.


*How You Explain To A Child That Has Two Father Or Two Mother?
Because It Is A Difficult Subject Since It Is More Frequent To See Heterosexual Families So It Will Be Very Difficult Even Up Setting.

*How Do You Consider The Cracking Of Family Gay Religion Or Homophoby?
In The Biblie Say "And Gad Made Man And Woman" But Is Does Not Say "Made Two Man" Vois Will Multiply So That These Will Multiply Genesis 1:27-28

7 Arumentos Encontra Del Matrimonio Homosexual Sin Ninguna Base Religiosa

1.- ¿No Es Común La Conducta Homosexual Entre Los Animales?
Los Animales Son Capaces De Darse Cuenta Del Genero Que Son Y De Tal Manera Así Reproducirse.

2.- ¿No Crees Que Ellos También Tienen Derecho Al Matrimonio?
No, A Mi Punto De Vista Mas Que Crear U Obtener Una Familia Y Ser Feliz Es El Necesitarla Por Lo Que A Los Niños Los Veirian Como Un Objeto, Ademas El Común Y Lo Natural Es Padre Y Madre A Lo Que Realmente Da Que En Una Familia Haya Amor.

3.- ¿Podría Considerase El Homosexualismo Una Variante Social De Lo Natural?
Este Es Un Gran Punto De Vista, Muchas Personas Creen Que El no poder admitir matrimonios Gay Como Parte De Nuestra Sociedad Nos Cuenten Como Personas Perjuiciosas Como Parte De Esta Sin Embargo A Si Como La Moneda Falsa Perjudica  A La Monedad Verdadera ¿Tu Quien Crees Que Es El Perjudicado?

4.- ¿No Crees Que La Sociedad Gay Sufre Mucha Marginacion Homofobica?
Así Es, No Podemos Ser Ignorantes De Saber Que Hay Personas Que Les Da Asco Ver 2 Personas Del Mismo Sexo Juntas, Por Lo Que Los Insultos Sobrar Pero, ¿Acaso Los Homosexuales Sufren Por Ser Criticados De Esta Forma? Es Muy Difícil Ver Esta Accion O Es Muy Poco Regular, Pero En El Caso De Lesbianas Pues Si Les Duele Esta Acion.

5.-¿Por Que Comparar El Homosexualismo Con La Pedofilia Y El Canibalismo?
Los 2 Ejemplos Son Naturales? No Verdad, A Casoo Tanto El Homosexualismo Como El Canibalismo Y Pedofilia Es Algo Que Podemos Ver Natural? Esta Pregunta Es Una Locura, Hace Muchos Años Atras Aun No Era Legal El Matrimonio Gay Incluso Ver Esta Por Si Sola, Pero Hoy En Dia Ya Es Aceptada, Que Es Lo Que Sigue, ¿Que Los Pedofilos Y Los Canibales Tambien Exijan Sus Derechos? Recordemos Que Estamos En Pleno Siglo XXI Por Lo Que Sera Recordado Como El Siglo De Libre Pensamiento.
Todo Puede Pasar.

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

                                       Gay Marriage

*Because A Children Needs A Father And Mother To Extend That Love In Family.

*Because It Is A Bad Deed Before The Eyes Of God

*Because Legalizing Gay Marriage Means Legalizy The Delivery Of Children To Homosexuals.

*Because A Children Injuries Psychological Verbal.

*Shoulden't Because How To Explain To Child Who Has The Parents.

*Shoulden't In A Favor Or Homosexuals Adoption Because Some Stayes Requite More Tran On Mother And More The One Parents.

*Shoulden't They Should Adopt Because To Destop Corred.

My Argument

Agains Gay Marriage:
    Religion Or Homophobia?
-In The Biblie Says "And Good Made 
Man And Woman" But Is Does Not 
Say "Made Two Man" Vois Will 
Multiply So That These Will 
Multiply Genesis 1:27-28 (-------)

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017


                                                     My Activities Verbs Past
8: 30 I Always Wake Up
9: 00 I Always Exercised
9: 30 I Sometimes Walked The Dog
10: 00 I Always Bathed
10: 30 I Always Cumbed My Hair
11: 45 I Usually Go To The Table
11: 55 I Always Had Breakfast
12: 30 I Always Played Soccer
1: 30 I Always Washed The Dishes
2: 30 I Usually Studied For A Examen
4: 30 I Always Surf The Internet
9: 50 I Usually Ate
11: 30 I Always Slept
                                                       Biography Romeo Santos
Anthony Romeo Santos, better known simply as Romeo Santos, was born on July 21, 1981 in El Bronx, New York, USA, but is considered half Dominican and half Puerto Rican, since his father is a Dominican and his mother is Puerto Rich. He is a singer, songwriter and was the vocalist and main composer of the bachata group Aventura. In 1995 he edited music of launched and ength with "Tramp Of Love." His performance as a singer-songwriter in 1999 followed by his next album, "As Aventura", he had great success for many years in 2009 obtained with nine top five hits on The US, so great performance that in 2013 Romeo Santos was recognized as the "King of Bachata" (KOB) and also in that year launches his deico "Indecent Propusal" today Romeo Santos FOLLOWING TRIUMPH.

Leisure Activities

                                                Leisure Activities Cognitive
-Memory Gamers
-Mental excersake
-Matt: Spanish
-Match Excersace

martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

                                                             Unexpected situations

Teenager are often faced with difficult decisions, especially when it comes to doing things with friends or going places.

What do you do when a friends ask you to do something but you have not asked your parents for permission to go there?
First I think about it and if that situation is serious and I should not go, I'm not going

1. Answer the question
2. Write in your blog what do you undestand about an unexpected situation.

3. Did you have an unexpected situation in the school?

Do not
           Frecuently Words

*8:30 - I Always Wake Up
*9:00 - I Always Do Exercise
*9:30 - I Sometimes Take The Dog For A Walk
*10:00 - I Always Take A Shower
*10:30 - I Usually Brrush Your Hair
*11:45 - I Always Set The Table
*11:55 - I Always TakeBreasfast
*12:30 - I Always Played A Soccer
*13:30 - I Usually Study For Exam
*14:30 - I Always Surf The Internet
*21:50 - I Usually Have Lunch
*23:30 - I Always Go To Bed

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Activites Of Monday

Yesterday Day Monday I did the following activities:
At 8:30 a.m. in the morning I wake up, after that I wash the teeth and I bathe, and from what I went on I went to eat.
In the Afternoon: I did some homework like 4 or 5 hours of math, Spanish and science and study for a music exam, surf the internet a mouse to distract me.
As At 6:30 I returned to eat and wash the dishes, I did a little exercise and I went to bathe to go to sleep at night at 11 at night

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Line Time

Line Time Romeo Santos

1981         1995           1999            2002
  ↓                 ↓                   ↓                   ↓
Was         Edited       Followed          He 
Born        Music        Launched      Made   
Romeo   "Tramp      Subsequent   an artist
Santos    Of Love"   albums           project
Of                              love hate       that
Bran's                                              took the
New                                               "K. O. B"
York                                                live
2009                2011                    2013
    ↓                       ↓                         ↓
Obtained     Conclude        Romeo Santos It
With             his album       was stablished
Nine top      called             with starts from
Five hits       aventure        Butch Latin pop
U. S                                    and Beng album 2         
                                       With "Indecent Propusal"